Shan K.

Advantages Of Laravel: Why Laravel is the Best PHP Framework for Web Apps

Table of Contents

Before starting with the advantages of Laravel, you should know about this.

Laravel is often used to build web applications that are powered by a backend API because it provides a set of tools and resources for building APIs quickly and easily. It’s also common to build traditional server-rendered web applications.

Some key features of Laravel include a modular package system with a dependency manager, expressive syntax, a built-in task scheduler, a built-in task scheduler, support for multiple database systems, and a built-in ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) for working with databases.

Advantages of laravel

Laravel is a popular option for web application development among developers due to its many benefits. Laravel has a lot of benefits. Because of its clear syntax, Laravel’s code is simple to read and comprehend. This facilitates developers’ ability to write code more quickly and makes it simpler to upgrade and maintain programs over time. Numerous built-in capabilities in Laravel make it simple to develop web apps. These represent, among other things, routing, authentication, caching, and a job scheduler.

Large community

An active developer community that supports the Laravel framework as well as creates add-on tools and packages. This suggests that Laravel developers have access to a wide range of knowledge and help.

Good documentation

Laravel’s documentation is clear and well-written. Because of this, it is easier for developers to comprehend the framework and quickly begin utilizing it.


Because Laravel is designed to be scalable, it can handle large traffic and high user numbers without facing performance issues. It makes sense to use it when creating apps that will likely grow over time.

What is laravel?

An open-source, free PHP web framework is called Laravel.

In recent years, it has grown in popularity and was developed by Taylor Otwell.

Laravel offers a set of tools and resources for managing typical tasks, making it simpler for developers to create online applications.


There are some key features of Laravel:

  • an automated dependency management method for modular packaging.
  • An elegant, expressive syntax that makes code simple to read and comprehend.
  • a task planner that is already built in for repetitive work.
  • support for a variety of database architectures, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
  • a database-specific built-in object-relational mapper (ORM)
  • various routing, authentication, and caching techniques.

Because it offers a collection of tools and resources for creating APIs fast and efficiently, Laravel is frequently used to create web apps that are powered by a backend API. The development of conventional server-rendered web applications also frequently uses it.

laravel code example

Here is a simple Laravel code example that demonstrates how to create a route and a corresponding controller action:

// routes/web.php
Route::get('/', 'HomeController@index');

// app/Http/Controllers/HomeController.php

class HomeController extends Controller
	public function index()
    	return view('home');

This code defines a route that listens for a GET request to the root URL of the application, and it maps the request to the index action of the HomeController controller. The index action simply returns a view template called home.

This is just a very basic example, and there are many other features and capabilities of Laravel that you can use to build more complex and powerful web applications.

Benefits of laravel

Utilizing Laravel for the creation of web applications has several advantages. Among the main advantages of laravel are:

Easy to learn and use

Even those who are unfamiliar with the framework will find it simple to read and grasp Laravel’s clear, expressive syntax. Developers can learn and catch up to speed more quickly as a result.


A variety of built-in capabilities in Laravel make it simple to create web applications. Developers do not have to create these functionalities from the start, saving them time and effort.


Password hashing and CSRF protection are two security features that Laravel has built in to assist shield apps from common security flaws.


As was already said, Laravel is built to be scalable and can handle high traffic and high user counts without experiencing performance concerns.


The Laravel framework is developed by a sizable and vibrant community of developers who also produce tools and packages that may be used with it. This indicates that Laravel developers have access to a variety of information and assistance.

Laravel is a potent and adaptable PHP framework that streamlines the process of creating web applications for programmers. It has a lot of advantages that make it a preferred option for web application development among developers.

Laravel advantages and disadvantages

There are advantages and disadvantages to any technology. Some of the laravel advantages and disadvantages are listed here.


  • The syntax of Laravel may be read and understood with ease. Assisting programmers with writing code more quickly and effectively, facilitates the maintenance and updating of applications.
  • It is easy to build web applications with many built-in features. There is a task scheduler among other things.
  • The Laravel framework is developed by a sizable and vibrant community of developers who also produce tools and packages that may be used with it. This indicates that Laravel developers have access to a variety of information and assistance.
  • Laravel has excellent, straightforward documentation available. Because of this, it is easier for developers to comprehend the framework and quickly begin utilising it.
  • Laravel is scalable, which enables it to handle high traffic and high user numbers without facing performance issues. It makes sense to use it when creating apps that will likely grow over time.


  • Laravel requires developers to know the framework to use it effectively. This could be a disadvantage for developers who don’t know how to use a different programming language.
  • It can be difficult for developers who are new to the framework to learn and get up to speed.
  • The framework is made for creating extensive and sophisticated online applications. For straightforward or modest jobs, when a lighter-weight structure would be more suitable, it might not be the ideal option.
  • If the applications are not properly designed, they may experience performance issues. Heavy use of caching, inefficient database queries, and other factors can be to blame.

Laravel 8 advanced features

Many advanced features in the latest version of the laravel framework. It makes it easier for developers to build web applications.

The advanced features in Laravel 8 include

  1. Jetstream: It is a new Laravel package that offers a beautiful, modern application scaffolding. There are optional features like login, registration, email verification, two-factor authentication, session management, API compatibility via Laravel Sanctum, and team administration.
  2. Livewire: The framework makes it easy to build modern, reactive web applications using server-side rendering. It allows developers to build interactive, responsive UIs.
  3. Custom cast types: Laravel 8 allows you to define custom cast types for Eloquent models. This enables developers to create their logic for serializing and deserializing model attributes to and from the database.
  4. Job batching: With the new job batching capability in Laravel 8, developers can quickly queue and carry out numerous jobs concurrently. Application performance that significantly relies on job processing may benefit from this.
  5. Improved model factories: Model factories receive many enhancements with the release of Laravel 8, including the ability to specify relationships between models and the production of dynamic attribute values using Closure callbacks.
  6. Improved email validation: Laravel 8 includes a new email validation rule that uses PHP’s built-in email validation functions to more accurately validate email addresses.
  7. Improved error messages: Improved error messages for frequent exceptions are part of Laravel 8, making it simpler for developers to identify and address problems with their apps.

Many cutting-edge capabilities offered by Laravel 8 make it simpler for developers to create cutting-edge, robust web apps.

Laravel web application development services

Dezinux offers Laravel web application development services. These services can include everything from consulting and planning to design and development, as well as testing, deployment, and maintenance.


Whether you are building a simple blog or a complex e-commerce platform, Laravel can help you create a professional and scalable web application that meets the needs of your users and your business. Its elegant syntax and comprehensive documentation make it easy to get started, and its wide range of features and capabilities allow you to build just about any type of web application you can imagine.

Picture of Shan K.
Shan K.